Sunday, May 13, 2012

Something Missed

Didn't go to Mass today.  I missed it.  I was busy with relatives and duties, and then I am discouraged about so much in Rome, US Conference of Bishops and our diocese... but I love the Mass and still missed it today.  You can take that two ways.  Both of them literal.  The power, control, rules and pettiness are offputting.  The language of the new liturgy is a painful reminder of this.. Several times in each Mass, I am jarred out of the spirit of Mass by messing up the words.

There is comfort in knowing the words.  Would we change the Memorare?  Hail Mary?  I guess we would change the Creeds themselves...  we did.  Or rather they did.

I missed Mass today.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Found a book in new non-fiction at North Park Library (EVPL).  Chapters are discussion of eash book's merits.  I have to admit I have not read any of these through, although I started a few.  Maybe I will have this be my late life reading list? 

25 Books Every Christian Should Read

A guide to Essential Spiritual Classics

Edited by Julia L. Roller;     Harper One, 2012

  1. On the Incarnation, St. Athanasius
  2. Confessions, St. Augustine
  3. The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, Various
  4. The Rule of St. Benedict, St. Benedict
  5. The Divine Comedy, Dante
  6. The Cloud of unknowing, Anonymous
  7. Revelations of Divine Love, julian of Norwich
  8. The Imitation of Christ, Kempis
  9. The Philokali, Various
  10. Institutes of the Christian Religion Calvin
  11. The Interior Castle, St. Teresa of Avila
  12. Dark Night of the Soul, St. John of the Cross
  13. Penees, Blaise Pascal
  14. The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan
  15. The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence
  16. A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, William Law
  17. The Way of a Pilgrim, unknown
  18. The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky
  19. Orthodoxy, Chesterton
  20. The Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins
  21. The Cost of Discipleship Dietrich Bonheoffer
  22. A Testament of Devotion, Thomas Kelly
  23. The Seven Storey Mountain, Merton
  24. Mere Christianity CS Lewis
  25. The Return of the Prodigal Son, Nouwen

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Clinging to My Rosary

My rosary is light pink crystal beads. 
I got it for First Communion.
I am sure, but don’t’ actually truly remember. 
I had an unusual First Communion.

We never prayed the Rosary at home growing up,
but when I was in college or after
I taught myself the essentials. 
Our Father, ten Hai
l Marys, Glory Be… 
then the creed?  I know in that last 20 years or so
they have added that Fires of Hell prayer. 
My mother hated that
and said it was not official
and not theologically sound. 
From what I hear of it, I would agree. 
But I just don’t pray that part. 

Besides, the Rosary is not meant to be a group prayer. 
I learned that in a class from Fr. Bill Traylor. 
It seems phony to me when we pray it as a group.
I have trouble putting certain
so I tend to ponder the favorites: 
Nativity.  That’s the mystery. 
The rest is pretty clear cut,
in one way of thinking about it. 
It comforts me.  It helps me sleep. 
When I am really worried or panicky,
I sleep with my Rosary or wear it under my clothes. 
When I feel it, I feel calmer.  It works for me.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bishop to supervise national women religious organization.  .... I heard about this today from a UCC friend of mine (age 50) AND an 88-year-old Roman Catholic mother of 12.  So I looked into it.  Interesting stuff.  The 88-year-old Roman Catholic mother of 12 was appalled about Rome being so anti-Jesus and anti-people, while being so pro-control.  And I have to consider the wisdom of such a woman. 

Take a look....

What do you think?  How is this a Jesus action?  or is it even meant to be a Jesus action? Who are we being protected from?
Women Religious being scrutinized by Rome?  Interesting times indeed.  I heard about this news today from a UCC friend who is my age (50) AND an Roman Catholic, 88-year-old mother of 12 who is appalled about Rome's anti-Jesus, pro-rules over people attitude.  I have to listen to a Roman Catholic 88-year-old mother of 12. 

Take a look... What do you think? 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Diocese of Evansville THE MESSAGE online

Diocese of Evansville weekly paper.  The Message.  It is totally great online.
This is a decent way to see what's up (what might be closing, where the priests are going and what Fr. Sauer and Fr. Don Dilger are thinking).

Rick Jillson, editor, writes a good editorial.
The head lines are at least good for keeping you up-to-date.

If you don't want Catholic surprises, take at least an occasional look.....